Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Be Strong

Bila kiter di timpa masalah atau musibah, pasti kiter akan tertanya-tanya kenapa lah benda seperti ni boleh berlaku. Penuh dengan tanda tanya. Why must it be me? Tapi pernahkan kiter fikir, perhaps at the other end of the world, ada orang yang lebih teruk dugaannya? Well for me, I don't have to look far...

Semalam J masuk ofis dlm pukul 3 petang gitu. Kiter pung heran apsal masuk lambat. Kalau apply morning leave pun, dia sepatutnya kena masuk kerja kul 1. Kalau dah kul 3, lebih baik amik full day skali kan senang. Tak berapa minit gitu, taim kiter on the way gi toilet, dia bangun dari tempat duduk and approached me. Dia cakap dia baru balik dari hantar bapak dia gi check-up pat hospital. Oh kisahnya...memang dat time dia pernah cerita yg bapak dia ada problem buang air besar. But I never expected this story from her (please note that these are not her exact words. I'm trying to recall as much as I could):

"I've just came back from the hospital. Accompanied my dad for check-up. He's diagnosed with cancer of the intestine. And the cancer is spreading. I'm sorry I may not be able to go to XXJC with you on 12 Oct cos' I need to bring him to the hospital again on that day. I need you to find a replacement for me. The doctor may be doing chemotheraphy for him...I'm not too sure. My dad was expressionless. Maybe he's in shock when I told him that he got cancer or maybe he already expected it. He's 66. And more bad news for me, NKF said my mum may go anytime. Her body is rejecting the dialysis. Her heartrate is getting lower and lower as the day goes by. I somehow expected the news. She's already without her limbs. She has suffered for 10 years alreadly. Maybe it's really time for her to rest. And now with these news about my dad...."

Kiter tengok mata J dah tearing. Kiter cakap dia tak perlu risau pasal dat exhibition on 12 Oct. I dunno whatelse to say so I just held her hands. Kita harap dia tabah menerima dugaan ni. Walaupun dia orang kafir, kita doakan yg terbaik buat dia. strong.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


As much as I hate to deny it, I have to admit that my circle of chinese frens are more than my circle of malay frens. Memang dulu masih pat primary and secondary schools, kawan-kawan kita semua melayu. Tapi bila dah masuk Poly and then to work, dah ramai kawan cina pulak. Mungkin pat poly and pat ofc memang tak ramai melayu. So the malay frens that i still keep in touch from pri and sec schools cuma 3 orang jer.

Actually the purpose of this entry today is to talk about my chinese frens. From what i gather, there are only 2 types. The first type is those who think they are chinese and anything that revolves them are chinese too. And the second type is those who think they are chinese but respect the rest who aren't. Of course i prefer the latter...hehehe. Alhamdullilah, most of my chinese frens belong to the second type. Cuma segelintir yg belong to the first type. Tapi kan yg segelintir lah yg buat hati geram. Bukan apa, kita dah berkawan dah lebih kurang 5 tahun. Takkan korang tak tau yg sebelum hari raya, we all orang muslims mesti lah berpuasa. Nak arrange lunch date taim bulan puasa...apa sajer. Kalau holiday hari raya, korang pun sibuk nak apply cuti. Bila taim chinese new year, korang cakap yg non-chinese kalau boleh jgn amik leave so that we can cover duties.

Bila part nak makan-makan bersama pun buat hal. Balik-balik recommend restoran yg tak halal. Padahal dah berkali-kali kita cakap restoran tu kita tak boleh makan. Banyak lagi kan restoran yg halal sekarang ni.

Bila part buat kerja kawin pun sama jugak. Nanti receive phonecall cakap sorry ehh, aku tak boleh jemput kau sebab hotel yg wedding aku diadakan tu tak boleh serve halal food. Dia ingat kita ni bodoh agaknya. Setau kita most of the hotels can provide halal food, itu antara kau nak bayar lebih ke tidak. Dia ingat kita tak pernah di jemput pegi chinese wedding atau pun dinner-dinner pat hotel agaknya. Kiat pun pernah pergi wedding dinner whereby on me and hubster jer muslims. And the muslim food they serve ala carte specially for me and hubster. And then ada pulak kawan cina yg lain on the day itself boleh tanya whether aku nak kirim duit ke tidak and then boleh set price, kalau pergi minimum $XX kena masuk dlm paket merah. Kalau kirim $XX gitu boleh lah. Ehh...aku tak dijemput pun nak kena kirim...mahal pulak tu. Ok nak tak nak, kawan punya pasal, kiter belikan dia wedding album jer. Harga around $20. At least kasi lah bunga telur or doorgift yg hotel tu kasi. Ni tidak, alat-alat send email cakap terimakasih for the album.

Tapi tak semua lah kawan cina kita macam tu. Like what i said before, cuma segelintir jer. Ni smalam i just received a wedding dinner invitation from a chinese fren (actually dia ni kawan my hubster). Although, bulan puasa, I think i will attend the dinner...lagi pun dinner, by then dah buka dah.

RL, I will make an effort to go to your wedding dinner, cos' you have made an effort to make special arrangements for me and the rest of your muslim frens. Thank You :)

Friday, September 22, 2006

Ramadhan yang akan datang

11 bulan banyak kata sudah diucapkan dan dilontarkan tak semua menyejukkan,

11 bulan banyak perilaku dan sikap yang kita perbuat tak menyenangkan,

11 bulan banyak keluhan, kebencian, kebohongan, kesombongan menjadi bagian dari diri,

saatnya istirahat dalam pemuasan nafsu duniawi

saatnya membersihkan jiwa yang berjelaga,

saatnya mensyukuri indahnya kemurahanNya

saatnya memahami makna pensucian diri

Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa dan mohon maaf atas segala kesalahan bersama kita leburkan kekhilafan

Semoga dengan puasa mempertemukan kita dengan Keagungan Lailatul Qadar dan kita semua menjadi pilihanNya untuk dikabulkan do'a - do'a dan kembali menjadi fitrah

Insya-allah.....Amiin ya Robbal ‘Aalamiin……….

Thursday, September 21, 2006


Three irrevocable things in your life are: time, words and chance

Three undeniable things in your life are: serenity, honesty and hope

Three gems of your life are: love, self-esteem and true friends

Three uncertainties in your life are: dream, success and fate

Three things that deteriorate your life: liqour, arrogance and anger

Kind hearts are the garden
Kind thoughts are the roots
Kind words are the blossom
Kind deeds are the fruits

Thanks, Carole for the above.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ramadhan yg lalu

Kejam kelip kejam kelip, hari minggu ni dah first day puasa. Cepat sungguh masa berlalu. At this time last year, I am around 7-8 mths pregnant with Nadya. Teringat time terkena semput. Pukul 3++ pagi dah tercungap-cungap. Actually kita punya semput ni dah on and off for a few weeks back. But that morning kira dah tak boleh tahan lagi. Kejut hubster. Hubster tanya nak gi hospital tak. Kita cakap ok lah. We went gleneagles cos' i oredi booked the hospital for my delivery. So kalau kena warded, at least it's easier. Sampai sana doctor checked and confirmed nak kena warded. Kita punya asthma dah teruk sangat. Kalau tak silap dah sampai Stage 4 - dah serious dah. Tengok jam dah pukul 4++ lebih. Hubster kata dah settled-in pat ward baru telefon our parents. Hubster pung terpikir-pikir apa dia nak sahur. We all belum familiar sangat with the hospital. Food outlets yg kita tau semua masih tertutup. Entah macam mana teringat pulak mcdonald dah opened 24 hours. So hubster pong telepon mcdonald. Kesian hubster, kena sahur pat dalam ward. For the next three days, my family members pung buka pat spital jugak. Si nabeel pung suka bab balik skolah jer dapat mandi pat spital at my ward...hehehe.

Bila dah dapat kluar hospital, i was on MC for another week. Then follow-up with a respiratory specialist sampai lah dah branak.

It has been an eventful ramadhan for me. The last ramadhan kita tak dapat berpuasa so I am really looking forward to it this year.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Reunion Dinner

I'm supposed to post this last week but time was not on my side. It's been a while since we last had our meal together but 8 September has been an enjoyable's worth the wait. Myself, ah choo & ah soh neh reached IMM at around 6:45pm. At about 7pm, Ah choo received a call from Energy..."Energy can't make it..." I was furious and about to curse....Ah soh neh has already lifted her fist...hehehe. Welllll...Energy being Energy, she fooled us. She was actually on the way to IMM.

Bali Thai was the chosen place. We came in to ask if we could have the private corner for a table of six. One of the waiters told us that the private corner is meant for those who only spent $150 and above. What kind of rule was that?? We told him that we will be able to spent till that amout but he can replied by saying....six diners don't usually spent that much. What the F**K was that?? Anyway, we all in a good mood so we made do with the table he assigned us to.

We talked. We laughed. Juz like the good old days. I really missed those makan sessions...

oh the way...we spent around $138 after discount...

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Alah emak ...kawinkan aku...

Ini sebenarnya kisah last Monday. On the way balik rumah, i had this conversation with Mat Nabeel...

Mat Nabeel: Makyer...juz now when we are going to sleep (he's referring to his afternoon nap), landy said when we grow up we want to marry.

Mak Yer: When do you want to get married?

Mat Nabeel: When we grow up... I think I want to get married at the place in Bukit Panjang...

Kita ketawa tak boleh tak boleh tahan. Actually last Sunday, I brought him to a wedding pat Bukit Panjang tapi tak sebut word "marry" pun dengan dia. Entah dari mana dia belajar word tu...

Ok this is Landy:

This is Mat Nabeel....

Maknyer Landy ni my colleague satu opis...tuari dia cakap Landy ada buatkan Nabeel card....lengkap dengan gambar prince and princess pastu ada words "I LOVE YOU"...hehehe
She also said that Landy kalau bawak mainan pergi sekolah, cuma Nabeel and one other girl jer yg boleh play with her toys. Landy told her mum that Nabeel will play with the toys with care, unlike other boys....

Si Nabeel pulak kalau maknyer Landy datang sekolah to fetch her Nabeel dari jauh dah pekik "Aunty Jasmine...Aunty Jasmine...Bye-bye...." Pandai my son nak ampu bakal mak mentua dia...hehehe

haii...budak-budak sekarang....baru nak masuk 6 tahun, dah tau pasal nak kahwin lah...apa lah...dulu waktu kitaorang....6 tahun tu lagi selenger lagi...ABC pun baru tau nak baca...

Thursday, September 07, 2006


Jewel Kilcher.... one of my favourite singers. The first concert I ever attended was hers. It was a birthday present from my hubster. I will never forget how he surprised me...hehehe. (Thank you darling if u ever read this....).

Jewel wrote great songs and poems. This is one of my favourites:


If I could tell the world just one thing
It would be that we're all ok
And not to worry cause worry is wasteful
And useless in times like these
I won't made useless
I won't idle with despair
I will gather myself around my faith
For light the darkness most fear
My hands are small, I know
But they're not yours; they are my own
And I am never broken

Poverty stole your golden shoes
It didn't steal your laughter
And heartache came to visit me
But it wasn't ever after
We fight but not out of spite
For someone must stand up for what's right
Cause where there's a man who has no voice
There's ours shall go singing

I am never broken
In the end only kindness matters

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friends Forever

With Hali

Shah & Cik Sal

Me & Ah Choo

With Annah G & Celest aka AhSohNe

With Charmaine & Ah Choo

With Annah G

Some people know the way to make each day seem worthwhile.
They do the nicest things for you and always wear a smile.
They make this world a better place by practising the art of reaching out to others and by giving from the heart.

Thank you my dear friends....

(For those whose photos are not featured here, that doesn't mean you are not my friend...I love you as much)

Monday, September 04, 2006

My First Princess

My darling Nadya Ameera was born on 18 Dec 2005.

10 March 2006 - Nadya was almost 3 months old. She just had her circumcision done and her ears pierced.