Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Aikss...dah lama tak update blog....ok these are some of things that have been going on....

Rachel's Wedding Pictures

Aidil's D&D

Nak letak gambar my cousin's wedding but I don't have any. If I got one, I'll definitely put it up.

It has been a roller coaster experience for the past 2 weeks....banyak benda yang berlaku dalam masa yang begitu pendek. The only thing I learned is that fate is not in our hands. Kita hanya mampu merancang dan berusaha. Allah saja yang menentukan segala nyer.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Happy Beshdei to PakYer

Smalam, 14 November was Pak Yer's birthday. Kecian pakyer takder apa-apa celebration except for the soup tulang merah i bought for dinner hehe. Well jadi lah....that's one of his favourite food. Prezen pun belum beli. Bila tanya dia nak prezen apa, ada ker dia kata spoiler for the car. Makin tua, makin susah nak carik prezen. Maybe belikan dia baju or levis jeans....tengok lah nanti weekend camner.... Eh luper plak, weekend sibuk dengan wedding...aiseman....

nabeel & birthday boy

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Happy BeshDei

Smalam, 6 November 2007, we all sambut beshdei my mum and my sis-in-law's birthday. Phening nak pikirkan what to buy for them. So end-up kita order dari Noel jer: Bunger artificial dalam pasu for my mum and crab tree and evelyn bath soap and cream for my sis-in-law. Bunger tu boleh ler my mum buat perhiasan pat rumah and my sis-in-law boleh lah berangan dalam toilet sambil sapu sabun or cream pat badan..."Sabun di bilik mandi... sabun" ..hehe

All of us had dinner pat Mad Jack's Cafe although my dad ngomel cakap pat Jurong West kan banyak kedai makan. Anyway, he never fancies western food. His favourite is still my mum's cooking but other than that, he still prefers Nasi Padang and traditional Malay food. Ok..back to Mad Jack's Cafe, we all ordered grilled chicken with black pepper sauce, fish and chips, chicken or is it fish with lemon sauce? hhmm..dah lupa pulak. Makan dia so-so jer but the oz-brownie dessert is superb. Kalau yang ada transport, can go and try the cafe but kalau sampai nak kena naik teksi or bersusah payah naik bus, then kirim salam jer lah. Lagipun there's no shopping area where the cafe is situated. So really not worth the trip if you don't have your own transport.

1st Birthday Girl - Dah penat jaga cucu siang hari so malam mata kuyu jer

2nd Birthday Girl - Gumbira dapat presents

This is what left on our plates....

Friday, November 03, 2006

Deepa Raya

Tadi pagi we had Deepa Raya Celebration at Nabeel's childcare centre. Malam semalam sibuk cari kain samping nabeel. Yer lah, kali terakhir nabeel pakai sampai bila umur dia setahun lebih. Kain samping tu entah di campak mana. Korek punya korek dalam lemari, akhirnya jumpa jugak tapi as expected dah tak muat dah kain samping tu. The length can only cover his groin area...hehehe. So end up carik pak yer punya kain samping pulak. The width kiter lipat dua. Muat pulak. Pastu carik brooch untuk sematkan pat songkok dia. Wah seh, glamer abis anak bujang kiter for the deepa raya celebration.

The celebration started at around 10am. Kiter tak banyak amik gambar bab sibuk amik video. Following are some of the photos taken with my hp:

Nabeel, Landy & Teacher Zai

Nabeel & Landy

Nabeel & Landy...again

Juadah yg dihidang kan simple tapi enak - lontong ngan kuah lodeh sama indian desserts yg manis-manis belaka. Kalau yg ada diabetes tu baik jgn makan terus. Manis dia melekat pat tekak sampai lah sekarang.

After a few games of samping tying, sari wearing, bunga manggar making and kolam drawing (tradition indian painting of using coloured rice) , the celebration ended at around 12:30pm.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Sneezy Day

Entah kenapa tadi pagi masuk opis jer hidung jadi gatal. Genyeh punya genyeh naik merah hidung cam rudolph the red nose reindeer. Terus selsema. Bersin. Bersin.

Ni baru balik lunch. Alhamdullilah, selsema dah kurang. Lunch pakan Mee Bakso pat NIE. Taruk sambal cili pada nak dekat 2 tablespoons. Hah kau, kluar semua ingus. Baru boleh bernafas ckit.hehehe.