Friday, April 20, 2007

Little Hands

Thank you God for dirty hands
That touch my stove and fridge;
For sticky little fingers that
Try to build a bridge.
For careless hands that go astray
In search of something new;
For hands to hold and show the way
As mothers often do.
For precious little hands in which
Great faith so abounds;
For silly little hands that reach
To touch a mother's frown.
And thank you for Your guiding hand
That leads me to the light;
That lifts me when I stumble
And points me to the right.
As little hands reach out to me
To show them what to do,I
'm steadied, reassured and loved
As I reach up to You


Meraq said...

WWwouuuii..lawa nya bebudak ni. Nadya banyak muka sebelah makyer...hahhaa..but dua2 cantik and hensem la!!

MakYer said...

Dorang punyer degil pun boleh tahan jugak. Si Nadya punyer tangan macam penyapu. Apa benda ada pat atas table atau kabinet, dia "sapu" ke lantai. Tak dapat sapu, dia nangis golek-golek pat lantai. Abang dia pulak, tiap-tiap pagi nak kene gaduh dengan dia. Lepas tu dia boleh ngomel dengan kiter "Everyday scold, scold, scold. Grown up already still scold, scold, scold."

Meraq said...

Makyer - sapa yang "grown up"? He or you? He dah tentu2 semakin besar nak masuk secondary..but you...grow in another way eh..hahahah. Cute lah si Nabeel tu. Nadya macam Long Ni dulu2. Masuk supermarket tangan dua2 macam burung bukak kepak.