Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

My conversation with Mat Nabeel last Friday...

Makyer : What will you be getting for me for mother's day?

Nabeel : Ohh.. i'm making a photoframe for you in school...but not ready yet. It's a surprise.

Makyer : But you told me already so it's not a surprise anymore.

Nabeel : Err...but you dunno what shape it is....

Ada ajer si Mat Nabeel ni...hehehe

Nabeel's first Hari Raya Haji

Nabeel's First B'day Celebration

Nabeel's First Outdoor Car Washing session at Taman Perling

Latest Picture of Nabeel with Na'uchuk


Meraq said...

hehehe....sah lah anak sulong ko nanti dah besar jadi loyar. InsyaAllah. Errr...apa pulak hadiah dari PakYer?? And what shape was it..hehehehe..hahahaha..

MakYer said...

Present from PakYer? Errrr.....hehe

SL said...

Eh haritu kata, AbangYer nak jadi manager?. apsal dah nak tukar loyer.Why scrap the manager idea?. Manager kan bagus. Ada opis nampak batam, kat pantry ada coffee-maker, ada mesen paper-paper, dapat gaji banyak, kaya, boleh pergi melancong luar negeri. Macam2 you. Best tau manager.