Wednesday, March 14, 2007

At last....

Akhirnyer selesai jugak event-event yg nak dijalankan. Penat...penat. Two weekends burnt and 3 weeks filled with brain-frying tasks. Not forgetting all the planning that took months. And the RESULTS - We won the award for the Best Booth Design for Career Exhibition and the Open House berjalan dengan lancar. Bukan nak membanggakan diri tapi the planning for the Career Exhibition nak kirakan 90% was done by me alone. Of course, on the exhibition days itself bukan kiter sorang jer lah yang kerja (itu memang nak carik maut...hehe). Semua faculties/depts punyer representatives pun kerja jugak including my dept. Kiter cuma appear on the last day because nak kene oversees the pack-up part. But dengan my condition like this, kiter rasa dia punya penat macam dua kali ganda. Keliks yang lain bukan tak tolong tapi dorang memang ada tugas masing-masing yang sama pentingnya.

Open House pun dah selamat diadakan. Of course ada hiccups here and there but no major problems. My team was satisfied. Skarang we all nak rest our least for these week...hehe.

Bila terpikir my other famili members pat US, alangkan seronoknyer kalo boleh golek-golek pat snow. Pat sini cuaca dia so

1 comment:

Meraq said...

Haaai.....penat nya ko!! Alhamdulillah, semua dah berakhir. Its time to kerja slow2. Jangan kelam kabut. Enjoy the fruit of the pokok..hehehe...enjoy the mystery gifts from USA eh...