Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thank You

Alhamdullilah, my family members dah selamat pulang ke Singapore. Rindu-serindunyer. I'm sure they have enjoyed their trip. Insya allah ada rezeki, kiter satu famili pun nak jugak jejak kaki pat US. Nak kene start saving from now....hehe

Thank you so much for all the oleh-oleh. Tak terkata kiter. Frankly speaking, i only wish for their safe return but i get more than i wanted...hehe. Satu luggage jugak kiter heret from Jurong to Woodlands. The pictures below says everything:

Clothings for Nabeel & Nadya. Jeans, Tees, Dresses from Polo Ralph, Levis, Osh Kosh, Tommy Hillfiger, The Children's Place etc. One year supply of clothing from their beloved grandparents.

For MakYer and PakYer: Handbags and wallet from Coach & Ninewest. Jeans and other clothings from Levis, Wrangler etc. From my beloved parents.

Semalam terima lagi satu paper bag penuh dari LongYah and LongNi. Belum sempat amik gambar lagi...hehe.

For Ngah & John: Thank you for taking care of my family over there. ...*huggs*

Thank You, Danke, Nandri, Xie Xie, Arigato and TERIMA KASIH. Semoga Allah mencurahkan rezeki yang setimpal buat kalian semua.


Meraq said...

Waaahhh...anyak nya baju!! Tu laa...ko mesti datang sini. Bawak duit manyak2. Nabeel masuk MIT and Nadya masuk UMASS lah. Then the 3rd baby can go HAVARD.
TOK can open workshop, NEK can sell kueh tarts.

mamafaiz said...

Wah!!.. rezeki ko sekeluarga.. best nyer..

MakYer said...

Agak2 senang tak makyer ngan pakyer carik keje pat sana? Takpun pakyer boleh jadik tok man nyer apprentice. Kiter boleh tolong jualkan nek ju punyer kuih tart...hehe. Angan-angan jer ehh.